Water and Environmental Solutions

Sanedcorp, owns the technology to generate solutions that can help solve the water shortage problem that can be appreciated due to climate change.

Solutions that can generate water from the air, or the use of desalination plants, supported by systems of renewable energy. These are some of the solutions that are available for the problems that are becoming more and more concerning.

On a level more close to a residential solutions are projects for grey waters. This is an alternative for usage of water that we normally discard.

Hydro Solar Systems

Drinking water generators, they capture the relative humidity of the atmosphere, then condense it to generate drinking water of high quality.

Systems that desalinate sea water, transforming salt water to sweet water. It be used for different industrial procedures as clean water.


Desalination Plant

Grey Water Treatment

The use of shower water, sink water, dishwashing water, etc. Put these through a process of filtration to be utilized as irrigation water.